Sunday 28 June 2015

T2 Reading Learning Story

In reading I have been learning to work together as a learning group to share and explain my ideas with my learning group

In reading I try to include everyone so they are not a passenger and they know what to do and understand the story. 

In reading I can use my strategies that I already know to help solve a reading activity. I can make connections to similar stories or things that I  already know about to help me understand what the author is saying. 

I'm learning to take a risk even when I'm not sure if the answer right or wrong. It help me to get better at reading and I can get feedback from my learning team.

In reading, I can researching information using books from the library and on the internet.

I know that I can use key words to skim and scan the text to find information and answers to my questions quickly.  When I find the information, I talk about it with my learning buddy to make sure that I understand what the author is telling me. Sometimes I need to use what I already know about the war to help me understand. 

I use friendly arguing to disagree or agree with my groups idea or question like in maths. We do this when we are talking about the story and discussing what the author means. If I'm not sure, I can go back and re-read the text to find out some more information.


Purpose: To work as a team to research facts and information about World War 1

Use the words and phrases in the table to find out what they mean and why they are significant (important) to World War 1.

Explain what they mean in your own words. Be prepared to share your information with others.

First World War Conscription
When your name gets picked out of a ballot you forced to go to war.

Why people didn’t want to enlist?
Because a lot of people heard that too many men died in the war so they didn’t want to enlist.

Some people also didn’t want to go to war because in the bible it says “Thy shall not kill”
Gallipoli Peninsula
The Gallipoli peninsula  is where the Anzacs landed at which was in turkey. (Gelibolu in modern Turkey) in the Ottoman Empire between 25th of April 1915 and the 9th of January 1916.
Remembrance poppy
The remembrance poppy (Papaver rhoeas) has been used since 1921 to commemorate soldiers who have died in war.

<----------Remembrance Poppy  

By Alex, Serenity and Claudia

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