Monday 29 June 2015

T2 Maths learning story

I have been learning to work together as a learning group to share and explain my ideas and how to solve maths problem with my learning group. 

I include everyone in my group so they are not a passenger and know what to do  so we can be confident about how to solve our problems and explain it. 

I can use my strategies that I already know to help solve the maths problem.  I make connections to similar problems and am learning to take a risk even when I'm not sure of the answer. It help us to be better maths problem solvers.

I use friendly arguing to disagree or agree with my groups idea or question by sing friendly manners. 

When we are solving a problem, first we need to work out what the question is asking us to do. Second we ask questions and discuss it with our buddy or group. If they don't get it I help them to understand the problem. Third, we use the best strategy that will solve the problem quickly and correctly.

I have been learning to use multiplication strategies to help me solve problems for example to help me work out the fraction of a whole number (1/7 of 112).

First I need to work out 1/7 of 112 = 112 divided into 7 = I didn't know what the answer was so i went 
(7 x 11= 77)+(7 x 12= 84)+(7 x 13= 91)+(7 x 14= 98)+(7 x 15= 105)+(7 x 16= 112)
so then i knew that 112 divided into 7 = 16. 
Then I went 16 x 1 from the 1/7 and it = 16 so the answer was 16.

To work out 4/7 of 112 is 16x4= 64

My next step: Is to always try my best, stay focused and support my learning team to work together to solve the problem. Sometimes when I am a passenger it means my group can't solve the problem. 

Sunday 28 June 2015

T2 writing learning story

In writing I have been learning to use descriptive language to try and describe what my characters do and how they feel to make my writing interesting and entertaining. It is also good because it hooks my audience in and helps them to paint a picture in their head.

Example from writing: After a while us men set out to go to the Western Front. Finally we are here but the Central Powers were all ready set up. Our captain jumped up quickly and shouted ‘Move it! We are here.’  Boom! Bombs and bullets were flying past our head and whistling through the air. Blood and flesh covered the sea, turning it to hell.

I am learning to use what I have already learnt in reading about the war to help me in my writing. I can get interesting words to help me get more ideas about how to make my writing entertaining.

This term I also wrote an explanation about why we should commemorate Anzac Day.

I believe that we should commemorate ANZAC DAY because we remember and say thank you to all the soldiers who died for us in WW1 at Gallipoli.

My next step: is setting realistic challenging and achievable plans in my writing to meet my next step like persevering and knowing what to do to achieve them.

T2 Reading Learning Story

In reading I have been learning to work together as a learning group to share and explain my ideas with my learning group

In reading I try to include everyone so they are not a passenger and they know what to do and understand the story. 

In reading I can use my strategies that I already know to help solve a reading activity. I can make connections to similar stories or things that I  already know about to help me understand what the author is saying. 

I'm learning to take a risk even when I'm not sure if the answer right or wrong. It help me to get better at reading and I can get feedback from my learning team.

In reading, I can researching information using books from the library and on the internet.

I know that I can use key words to skim and scan the text to find information and answers to my questions quickly.  When I find the information, I talk about it with my learning buddy to make sure that I understand what the author is telling me. Sometimes I need to use what I already know about the war to help me understand. 

I use friendly arguing to disagree or agree with my groups idea or question like in maths. We do this when we are talking about the story and discussing what the author means. If I'm not sure, I can go back and re-read the text to find out some more information.


Purpose: To work as a team to research facts and information about World War 1

Use the words and phrases in the table to find out what they mean and why they are significant (important) to World War 1.

Explain what they mean in your own words. Be prepared to share your information with others.

First World War Conscription
When your name gets picked out of a ballot you forced to go to war.

Why people didn’t want to enlist?
Because a lot of people heard that too many men died in the war so they didn’t want to enlist.

Some people also didn’t want to go to war because in the bible it says “Thy shall not kill”
Gallipoli Peninsula
The Gallipoli peninsula  is where the Anzacs landed at which was in turkey. (Gelibolu in modern Turkey) in the Ottoman Empire between 25th of April 1915 and the 9th of January 1916.
Remembrance poppy
The remembrance poppy (Papaver rhoeas) has been used since 1921 to commemorate soldiers who have died in war.

<----------Remembrance Poppy  

By Alex, Serenity and Claudia

Good Friday: Self Managing

When I am doing Good Friday the key competency skills I use is self managing because it helps me stay focused so I can concentrate on completing my art to the best of my ability.

 I can be self-motivated and organised by making sure that I have all of my learning tools ready and that I choose a good space or good buddies to work with.

And I can use it to help other people with their Zentangle Art. I tell them that it is not about trying to be cool with your art, but it's like yoga for you brain because it is about going out of you comfort zone to use lines, patterns and shading to be creative. Zentangle Art helps to relax your brain so you can focus on other things

My next step is to set personal goals and make plans so that I persevere and become even better at art by learning new drawing skills.

Sports: Relating to Others

When I am on the sports field and in the playground the key competency I use is relating to others. I use this key competency because it help me show good team work skills and leadership while I am on the field.

When I am on the field or the court I have to use appropriate language, positive facial expressions and eye contact. If I don't do this on the field or court I will be sent off.

The other success criteria I use are pushing my self out of my comfort zone and taking a risk because when you are playing rugby you can't be scared. If you are scared you're going to get hurt and you won't have fun.

I am learning to take on different responsibilities at rugby, for example being a leader and helping to teach others to play rugby. 

I am the captain of my Rugby Team. I have to talk to the referee if my team has a problem. I need to talk respectfully and respect his decisions if I don't agree with them. I also need to make sure that my team understands the referee's decisions and plays by the rules. If they don't, then we have to have a team talk to solve the problem, just like in maths.

I got selected for the Western Bay's Rep Team and the trials for the Wellington U13 Team. One day I hope that I will be like Jerry Collins.  

My next step is when I am playing on the field I need to be able to control my self and not get sent off and not to let my team down. 

Kapo Kapo Learning Story

At the Arena, Corinna School showed off their skills by preforming an amazing dance. The audience knew that we were putting our heart into our dance because we performed with confidence and pride. 

When I was going on the stage I felt like I was going to make a mistake but when I went on the stage I knew that there was no holding back so I danced it out and it was fun. 

The Key Competency Skill I use most is Self Managing because I need to learn to do the dance and to listen to the instruction that the
teacher gives so I can learn the dance and the actions.

I have to be disciplined at practice and at the performance. This means staying focused, being respectful to myself and my family and always trying my best. 

My next step is to go to all the practices and to take responsibility for bringing my notice on time so I don't let my group or teacher down.