Sunday 13 December 2015

Alex's Yr8 leavers book

The most important thing I’ve achieved at Corinna School is the progress and level I have achieved in maths, reading and writing. This year I lifted my levels from being WELL BELOW to working AT National Standards. This was very steep progress, and to get that far in one year was a great achievement for me. I did this by having a teacher that pushed me to keep working harder and a teacher that cared about me.  That's the kind of teacher that I’d love to have next year.

I’ve changed this year because I believe in myself and take more risks then I took last year. Even if I did get a wrong answer or I’m not sure I still have a go because it’s like teaching yourself to always learning from your mistakes.

This year I want to leave as a person who can show the little kids that you can achieve anything even if it is to hard and to not ever give up. I would like to let little kids know to never try to be someone else because you’re you and that’s what makes you perfect and happy.

Alex Leota

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